Can Tesla Change the Energy Landscape?

The laws of supply and demand are upending the global energy supply as the world has come to know it. As the proliferation of renewables and natural gas drive down the price of power, the big oil producers are grappling with volatility and wrestling with long-term risk/reward models that will determine how the next generation defines the industry.

In the midst of such upheaval, Columbia University’s Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy assembled an insightful panel to discuss “Energy Industry Developments and Trump Administration Policy.” Moderated by Jesse Greene, Jr, senior fellow at the Richman Center, the program was headlined by two Columbia professors, Antoine Hallf, senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center for Energy Policy, and Geoff Heal, Donald C. Waite III Professor of Social Enterprise, Columbia Business School, and an oil field services analyst, Colin Davies, Senior Research Analyst, Oil Field Services, AB Bernstein.